The Swaffham Prior Community Land Trust (SPCLT) was set up by members of the village to deliver housing for people linked to Swaffham Prior who struggle to rent at normal market rents or who need to rent a different type of home.

It delivered eight affordable homes comprising 2x two bed bungalows, 3x two bed semi-detached houses, one three bed semi-detached house and 2x three bed detached houses. The homes are located in what is locally known as Dencora Field along Rogers Road.

The homes are managed on a daily basis by Hundred Houses Society but the SPCLT Board will be responsible for the selection of new tenants using the 2025 House Allocations Policy. Wer have a two bedroom house to let - please use the 2025 Application Form.

Swaffham Prior Community Land Trust
SPCLT housing map
Rogers Road & Allix Grove & Foster Lane
The CLT was awarded a government grant of 20,000 pounds to investigate the possibility of taking the village off oil. The use of oil is a pain, costs vary to buy it, the tanks are huge and increasingly people are put off buying and renting homes with oil heating systems. It is also not sustainable in the long term.

We are looking to use a community heating technology well used in Europe (85% of Danish villages run on this type of system) to see if we can create a network of insulated pipes to deliver hot water to each house. This hot water then provides heat for the radiators and your hot water. There is then no need for oil tanks and boilers in your home.  The Renewable Heat Study has just come back and we believe that actually we could make the project viable with a 4.5% return if 50% of homes take it up in the village, raising to 7% return if 70% take it up.

We have issued the following FAQ and more FAQ to answer some common queries.


SPCLT is a Company Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Purposes and not having a Share Capital. Registered company no. 8824415. SPCLT is run as a not for profit basis and the Company’s objectives are specifically restricted to the relief of financial hardship by the provision of Social Housing, and housing (upon terms appropriate to beneficiaries’ means) together with associated amenities, facilities and infrastructure.